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5 Pandemic driven movies to watch

Gris Official

Here are our Top 5 picks for Pandemic driven movies for you to watch.

1. 28 DAYS LATER (2002)

A British Post-Apocalyptic Horror Film directed by Danny Boyle and written by Alex Garland. This film starring Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Christopher Eccleston, Megan Burns, and Brendan Gleeson, is a story about how the survivors cope with the aftermath of the disaster while finding safe spaces and security.

2. BLACK DEATH (2010)

A British-German action horror movie about a plague that breaks out in England, that killed hundreds of people. When a monk decides to investigate a report, he finds out that some of them are unexpectedly coming back to life.

3. CONTAGION (2011)

An American thriller movie directed by Steven Soderbergh, this movie follows the progress of an extremely lethal airborne virus that kills within days. As there is a struggle to control this virus, a worldwide panic ensues.

4. THE FLU (2013)

The Flu or 감기(Gamgi), is a 2013 South Korean disaster film that was written and directed by Kim Sung Su. This film is about an unknown virus that infects through the respiratory system and kills within 36 hours once a person is infected.

5. PANDEMIC (2016)

Pandemic is an American Sci-Fi thriller movie directed by John Suits. The whole movie is shot in first-person POV and it's about a doctor (Rachel Nichols) who leads a group to find any survivors of the pandemic that broke out worldwide.


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